In the lovely month of June, one of our regular guests was back to enjoy a birdwatching holiday at the lake and to see some of the many birds and beasts that share it with our guests. Joining him was Ian McGuire, from Wild Owl. Ian is an owl specialist, wildlife photographer and film maker so naturally he was thrilled to be spending a day at our private SSSI nature reserve. Despite not seeing the otters this time they captured some nice moments from their time – some of which can be enjoyed below.
We look forward to their next visit later in the year when Ian is kindly going to offer a free ‘Owl Prowl’ to guests staying at the time. During this he will call local owls in to be experienced closer up. Ian’s knowledge of these wonderful birds is extensive so we are very excited to learn more on the night.
We hope these photos inspire you to come and enjoy a birdwatching holiday wth us. Nothing is more relaxing than spending a few days enjoying the sights and sounds of nature with a few luxuries along the way. Spotting otters from your lakeside hot tub or watching nesting terns diving for fish all around as you explore in your rowing boat are memories that wont be forgotten. Waiting in each cabin is a pair of binoculars and the panoramic views from every cabin make them the perfect bolthole to enjoy the surroundings from.